Monday, July 25, 2011

Lights, Camera, Lulu

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”
  -Alice in Wonderland
All my life I've constantly wondered why things weren't nearly as exciting as everything I saw on TV or read about in books. I was always lost in my imagination making up stories and worlds and adventures. I have always been determined to find the fantasy within reality and live out a dream. 

18 years I've had these thoughts but now that I've become an official member of adult society I've been forced to rethink a lot of them. I still daydream about childish things like maybe finding Narnia in my closet or stumbling into a rabbit hole and waking up in wonderland. I'd be flat out lying to you all if I said I didn't honestly wish these things would happen at least once a week. Unfortunately though my daydreams are more often interrupted with the stresses of reality and the pressure of being thrown into the great wide world on my own. 

At first I found myself getting depressed. I wasn't even sure if a wishy washy daydreamer like myself could handle college, and work, and eventually a family and career. I felt myself longing for the days when I was just a kid who could run around pretending to Sailor Moon without any care in the world. Now though I've come to terms with it. I'm still that same daydreamer and I've taken it to new places. I'm an avid anime fan, video game fan, and cosplayer. I take that love of fantasy with me wherever I go in one way or another and I never stop coming up with new ideas for stories, pictures, and poems. I'm ready for the world and the responsibilities that come with it. It won't be easy I'm sure but I hope it will be worth it and even more then that, I hope I can make some of my more realistic daydreams come true! 

My name is Lauren but my nickname is Lulu. I would never try to describe myself in one word because I just don't think I could ever settle on one. I'm a huge fan of most everything Japanese, music in all fashions, and art. This is my blog about..well pretty much everything  ^___^

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